Running – Some sprints this morning, there’s quite a big hill near where Mitch lives. We marked out four spots up the hill, eight sprints to the first mark, six to the second, four to the third, and two all the way to the top! The great thing about this workout is that once you’re at the top, you get a fantastic view of Sydney!
On the way back from a quick gym session, we stopped off at the fish shop! For his Birthday, Mitch got a rather lovely wall mounted fish tank. Since getting it we’ve had nothing but drama, we could have had our own fish soap opera. We started with ten neon fish, after 24 hours, we were down to three! At the time of writing those three
are still with us, we call them the three Rocky’s! Since that dreaded virus of week 5, we’ve purchased some larger fish, they seem to be doing well, however the ones we brought yesterday look to be struggling! I can only count four out of five and I’m worried! I don’t think they are going to make it. Tune in next week to find out what happens in ‘Claydon’s fish’.
The day finished with the usual game of basketball, only today the prize was huge, a free dinner on the loser. I’ll keep this short but very sweet, Mitch lost! To the local tavern for Monday’s Seven Dollar steak! On Mitch!
Today was a fantastic day, The Club captain, Tony Clarke, owns a beautiful boat that he takes out to the harbour. His guests today were the three of us, Rocky, Damien Wall, who we play with at Campbelltown, and on arrival we met Will Smith and his girlfriend Kat. We took with us a big rubber ring that we tied up to the back of the boat.
You only realised how fast the boat goes when you get dragged along behind it. Between us we took some nasty blows! Amazing fun though! Had a lovely lunch on the other side of the harbour, on the way though we lost one of the hats, yes, one of those hats, there was nothing any of us could do, the wind got it. Brilliant day though!
CTCC Training – Another good session tonight, Felt good with the bat, and starting to have a trundle with the ball as well, so very happy!
Swimming – I’d love to tell you about a new swimming exercise but I can’t. I’ll get on to Salvo for some fresh swimming workouts – but the original is still doing a good job!
This morning was spent in the beautiful town of Wollongong. We were there because Mitch played in a Twenty20 game here last night that me and Ben happened to sleep through. A fantastic beachside breakfast was followed by a walk around town and the beach. Perfect white sand, blue water, all supported by a stunning mountain backdrop.
Everything you think of when thinking of Australia!
CTCC Training – Batting tonight was good fun, The boys decided to go on a bumper fest, best of all, behind me was a group of kids who were invited along to watch, and at every short ball, they’d give a big cheer, as if the bowlers needed more encouragement! Anyway I played it pretty well, and had another spell of bowling as well so all good!
Training was followed by a couple of cheeky hot dogs at the barbecue, and the opportunity to chat to the hardcore Campbelltown fan club. You do not want to let these guys down! The nicest blokes, but give less than 100,000 percent and they’ll bury you! Tonight’s conversation didn’t go far away from alcohol, woman and of course
cricket! The main topic being whether or not Andrew Symonds should in fact get a haircut.
Match Day – Another one-dayer today, and the last game before the Christmas break. The pitch looked a belter so we won the toss and batted first. We got off to a flyer, I was at three and came in with the score on about 100. I felt terrible at the start of my innings, can’t really say why. I managed to stick around and put on a good partnership with our opener, him getting 73 and myself reaching three figures which was great, We ended up
getting 360 – 6 off our 50 overs! A great effort. We defended the runs comfortably in the end, bowling our opposition out for 230. A really good win to take us into the mid season break.
It’s been a really good first half of the trip! I look forward to updating you on our progress.