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20th June 2011

Members book sale goes from strength to strength

Over the years Colin Craig, a keen local cricketer, had amassed a tremendous selection of cricket literature and memorabilia. Unfortunately Colin passed away last year and his family was keen to share this collection of cricket books and pictures with the rest of the Durham CCC members.

They then decided to establish the Members Book Sale, which began with a small number of books based in the reception of the Emirates Durham ICG Media Centre.

A year on, the collection has grown with other Durham members donating their own cricket books and pictures to the collection.

The family of Mr Craig were keen for the proceeds of the sale to go to a good cause and took the decision to donate all proceeds to the Durham County Cricket Foundation, which uses the power of sport to provide inspiration, motivation and raised self-esteem to our local community.

The Foundation was founded in 2009 and has already had an immeasurable impact upon thousands of people in the local community. For further information on the valuable work the Foundation does in our local community simply click on the following link: Durham County Cricket Foundation.

The book sale will continue over the rest of the season and all at Durham are keen for it to continue to grow and become a vital part of the club. The sale takes place in reception of the media centre, at lunch and tea of LV=County Championship games and at the interval of home Clydesdale Bank 40 fixtures, so pop in for a look, we are also keen to accept any other donations of cricket books.

For any further information on the members book sale or about Durham County Cricket Foundation please contact Richard Hopper: (0191) 3872816 or e-mail