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1st October 2013

Run Geordie Run!

With the cricket season now at an end, you’ll probably know how tough it can be to motivate yourself for a run when the nights draw in and the weather takes a turn for the worse. So just imagine what it must be like knowing that over the next 70 days you’ve got to run 2,600 miles across one of the world’s largest and hottest countries.


That’s the task facing Mark Allison as he attempts to raise money through his campaign Run Geordie Run for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and The Children’s Foundation. And if that sounds like an unbelievably tough challenge to you, bear in mind that this is not the first time Mark has done something like this for charity.


Over the last few years Mark has raised over £168,000 for good causes. In 2007 he ran from Lands End to John O’Groats in 37 days (847 miles), raising around £34,000 for St. Benedict’s Hospice. Then in 2011 he ran 3,100 miles in 100 days across the US, raising a further £105,000 for the hospice. This year, Mark faces his toughest challenge yet, by running across Australia from Perth to Sydney, again for some great causes in the North East.


Australia is a vast country, and much of the running Mark will be doing will be in very hot temperatures in extremely inhospitable places. It’s an epic task and one for which he needs as much support as he can get.and everyone at Durham County Cricket Club is behind him!


North East family-owned Benfield Motor Group and Durham County Cricket Club Official Car Partner has stepped up to the challenge as main sponsors, ensuring Mark has the support and financial clout to make the dream a reality.


The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and Children’s Foundation both do excellent and essential work in the North East and anything you can donate to Mark’s campaign will go directly to them. It really is the least we can do. You can find out more about the Run Geordie Run campaign and donate by visiting Mark’s site here.


So, let’s all help Mark raise as much money as possible for some really great causes, and next time you look out the window and don’t fancy going out for a run, spare a thought for Mark, who’ll be setting off on his 2,600 epic run on 16 October.