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Dynamos Cricket

Dynamos Cricket provides a fantastic next step for all those graduating from All Stars Cricket and the perfect introduction for all 8-11 year-olds new to the sport!

Complementing junior cricket, Dynamos provides children with a more social offer focused on developing fundamental movement skills and applying them in an exciting game of countdown cricket.

We know how important it is to look like the heroes of the game, so every child who registers will receive their very own Dynamos Cricket New Balance t-shirt, personalised with their name and number.

The Programme:

  • Children will use soft balls and light wooden bats
  • Eight 60-90 minute sessions, held over eight weeks
  • Introduction to game play through a countdown cricket match
  • New Balance personalised t-shirt with name and number
  • Valuable time with your kids – mums and dads are encouraged to take part too
  • Complementary digital app experience
  • Exclusive access to Topps Cricket Attax cards
  • Safe and fully accredited

Prices for Dynamos Cricket vary by centre. Please check the sign-up page and postcode search for your local centre to find out more.

What will my child be doing?

Sessions begin with a 5-10 minute warm-up to get the children moving and recapping on gross motor skills and basic ball handling.

The sessions continue with skill builders for 15 minutes, providing everything children need to play, particularly focusing on bowling, which can be the make-or-break element of any game of cricket!

The session finishes with a game of countdown cricket that will take 30-45 minutes and give everyone a chance to participate in all elements of the game – batting, bowling and fielding.

Register now

Dynamos Cricket will run in 32 centres across Durham in the 2025 summer.

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